Monday, June 6, 2016

The 2016 Team - July 27-August 6

The Guys: Dave Van S., Jason A. The Gals: Taylor B., Dixie O., Melanie A., Cayla V.

Seeking God as we are Amazon-bound! For these remaining weeks we ask for your prayers as we continue to meet in preparation for our time of working alongside our missionaries, Rick and Kim Parker. We look forward to this time of serving with them. Our physical trip goals are to build a dorm for camps, as well as host several VBS day camps. There is much to do! 
We pray that all we do and say will bring glory to God, and that we might be a help and an encouragement to Rick and Kim, and everyone within their ministry.

Prayers are requested for our finances, for the specific directions God wants to take our team within the VBS lessons, for preparation of our hearts and minds, and for the people we will be serving.

For those who have agreed to support us in prayer and/or financially, THANK YOU!
We are so excited that you have partnered with us and the Parkers to show the Amazon River People the love of Christ. 

More to come, including a trip prayer calendar with our daily requests for intercession.  :-)
Thank you for praying!
Many Blessings!